Keelegrupp Tallinnas /Language group in Tallinn

A non-formal group for learning languages through communication - people who wish to learn Estonian or Russian language.

We invite foreigners who wish to learn Estonian (or Russian) through English, however, it is extremely important to first give notice at the facebook event and ask if there is someone with suitable interests (to practice ones English via teaching another language in it coming. We cannot guarantee that.

The event is for free. However, if possible, it is recommended to support the cafe by buying a coffee, tea or other.

What else should I know?
It is important to be active at the events, ask questions, help others learn and propose new activities for the learning-process. There is no teacher-student hierarchy in the group and all of the participants are welcome to take part of the organizing. It is useful to take something where to write.

If someone wishes to learn, teach or practice some other language, you can write on the wall of the event so that interested people would contact you.

MONDAY, DECEMBER 11, 2023 AT 8:15 AM – 10:15 AM UTC+02

Pärnu maantee 2, Kesklinn, Tallinn, 10148 Harju Maakond, Eesti